The Academy Wikia

"Wishin' and Hopin' and Climbin' and Passin' Out" is the third episode of Season 9.


After years of sitting idly by, Roger decides he's finally going to join his colleagues on the mountain climbing orientation. Figuring it's been long enough since he hurt himself and feeling like he is at the top of his game thanks to workout buddies Dave and Isaiah, he heads off with the class of 2022 to reach the summit of Mount Monadnock. His failure to return alarms the rest of the crew and their failure to notice his absence until the completion of their descent sends them into a shame spiral. Meanwhile, Carole catches wind of the theater department's plans and insists on designing the set. Initially into the idea of interdisciplinary collaboration, the department accepts the offer but has second thoughts when Carole submits the proposal and it involves each wing of the stage being transformed into a woman's leg (papier-mâché, of course) with center stage serving as "introitus."
